Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Download Full Version Disktrix UltimateDefrag


Disktrix UltimateDefrag 




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UltimateDefrag is the world’s most powerful defragger in terms of the file placement flexibility it gives you for defragging and strategically placing files on your hard drive – right down to the individual file level. With The Defragger And File Placement Optimizer That Lets You Defrag & Optimize Your Hard Drive – Any Way You Want To!
UltimateDefrag is the Ultimate Defragger and File Placement Optimizer. Defragging hard drives helps to restore your hard drive performance. File placement optimizing on the other hand, boosts your theoretical hard drive file access performance by up to 300% of manufacturers quoted averages (typical performance increase you’ll experience is between 25 and 100%) by placing the files you want performance from onto the faster performing (outer tracks) areas of your hard drive.

With UltimateDefrag – you can specify which individual files, programs or games you want the best performance from.The “Archive” function places all of your unused files out of the way and onto the slower performing areas of your hard drive. If you run complex games, simulations and applications, UltimateDefrag gives you the capability to place the files associated with these applications in the position on your hard drive that will give you the best performance possible.
Now watch your programs launch faster! Your games perform like they never have! Experience a Windows Desktop and Operating System with the same sprightly performance as when your PC was brand new!

Features In The New UltimateDefrag4:

Note - most advanced features of UltimateDefrag are totally unique to UltimateDefrag - you won't find them in any other defrag software.

  • NEW! For non-power PC users - Simple Mode, turns off all advanced features but gives you the most advanced "one-click" defrag and optimization routine that leaves your hard drive, and your Windows Operating System, performing at its absolute fastest speed possible. Power users simply need to operate in Expert Mode, to be able to access and use all of the advanced features and functionality of UltimateDefrag.
  • NEW! Now accelerate specific programs you want to simply by selecting them by name from a list. UltimateDefrag4 detects all installed applications on your PC. Now to accelerate a specific application or game, simply select it from a list and UltimateDefrag will place it on your hard drive for High Performance!
  • NEW! Many additional ways to select files for High Performance and Archive. Now you can apply many more selection criteria for choosing files for High Performance & Archive. The combinations are literally unlimited - either user chosen or based upon your file usage patterns.
  • NEW! Many other useful features such as ability to perform file usage database maintenance operations, actions after defrag is complete, and many other minor enhancements and bug fixes.
  • Now Defrag All NTFS System Files: MFT, Page File, $Logfile, Hyberfile, $USN ChangeJournal and more. Not only can you defrag them, UltimateDefrag lets you specifically place them where you like for optimum performance - for 32 bit and 64 bit Windows 7, Vista & XP.
  • Defrag Simulation lets you simulate a defrag in compressed time. Perfect for testing those complex defrag routines where you want to squeeze every millisecond of performance from your hard drive before you actually hit the start button. The defrag simulation also accurately estimates the time the defrag will take based upon your current options.
  • File Drag & Drop - Lets you drag a file or complete directory of files, onto any position you want it to be on your hard drive.
  • True File Use Tracking tracks the behavior of your files, frequency of use, frequency of fragmentation, degree of fragmentation and places them optimally.
  • FragProtect™ is an algorithm that places files in a manner that minimizes rate of refragmentation to the slowest possible rate according to the laws of entropy as they relate to your files on your hard drive.
  • Even faster defrag engine makes an intelligent decision on how to defrag each fragmented file it encounters so that it defrags the file in the fastest time possible. A 2 Gb file can be defragged in a few seconds when certain conditions are met.
  • One click Auto Defrag lets you tune the exact performance you want and shows you your drive performance increase.
  • Fully compatible with Windows 7, Vista and XP - All variants and both 32 bit and 64 bit.
  • A whole lot more!
  • Applies the Pareto Law (80/20 rule) to your file system and separates your most frequently used data from your rarely used data and places your frequently used data to the higher performing areas of your hard drive and rarely used data to the slower areas of your hard drive.
  • Gives you 300% to 400% raw hard drive performance boost compared with factory averages and up to 600% increase over what you may currently be experiencing if your drive is getting full.
  • Achieve Optimum Performance Hard Drive File Access That Results In A Much More Responsive PC
  • Strategic File Placement Gives You Complete Control Over Which Files And Programs You Want Increased Performance From
  • Place Unused Data (such as ZIP Files and unused Windows files) Out Of The Way
  • Place Directories In The Optimum Position For Superior Performance
  • Defrag with as little as 1% FREE space
  • Choose From 6 Powerful Defrag Methods With Hundreds Of Defrag Option Combinations
  • Make Full Drives Perform Almost Like They've Been Newly Formatted
  • You No Longer Need To Consider Partitioning - UltimateDefrag Is Kind Of Like Partitioning-On-The-Fly!
  • Comprehensive BOOT TIME Defrag That Gives You Full Control Over Defragging and Placement Of System Metafiles To Further Improve Performance.
  • Defrag Individual Files and Folders with the click of a mouse.
  • Wildcard File Selection
  • Fastest Defrag Algorithm out there - with inplace file defragging and more. Only moves fragments.
  • The First Complete "DISK" Metaphor In Any Defragger
  • Say Goodbye To "Hard Drive Fatigue" Forever!
  • More Than Just A Defragger - It's Also a File Placement Optimizer
  • Nothing "Black Box" about this - you have total control over which files go where
  • Flexible Scheduling lets you defrag while your away from your computer
  • All This In An Incredibly Powerful Program That's Less Than 11 Mb In Size!


  • Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP (all versions and flavors), Server 2003 and higher
  • Supports all 32 bit and 64 bit versions of all above operating systems. 

Download full version (click below) :

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