Saturday, June 30, 2012

Download Full Version SimpleOCR



SimpleOCR is a free Optical Character Recognition program which can be used directly with your scanner, featuring error correction and an easy to use interface.

I never used an OCR program until now because I never needed one. And I still don’t, but my girlfriend does :) As a matter of fact I have a scanner in my house but it’s attached to her computer because she works with documents more than I do. Now she’s even very sure that she owns the scanner, even though I paid for it :) Anyway, this test wouldn’t have been possible without her help, so thanks Mary! She scanned a document for me and I tried to import it in SimpleOCR and convert it to a text file. As I said in the overview, SimpleOCR can import the document directly from your scanner, but since I don’t have one, I took the TIFF file that my girlfriend saved.

In only a few seconds the page was displayed in SimpleOCR, now all I had to do was to click on “Convert to Text“.
The conversion of the page took only a few seconds and after that the program window was slip into two parts, the original document and the converted text document. As you can see from the image below there were quite a few errors in the converted text, but the error correction feature works very well, it even has a dictionnary that suggests you the good alternatives. Although the converted text had some errors it’s quite easy to correct them and to have an accurate text at the end of it all. There could be a problem if you have a long document, it will take you some time to go through it, but still it will be faster than retyping the whole thing.
After you correct the document you can save it as a .doc file to use with or as a simple .txt file. SimpleOCR is able to handle machine writing and hand writing and is free to use for home and corporate users.

Version Tested

Download full version (click below) :

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